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Where do I even begin? Well, June 16th at about 3:30 AM I awoke to get ready for the airport. I would be heading on to a 5 day boot camp with The World Race: Gap Year! This was my first time solo traveling and I loved every second of it! It was invigorating, new, and a little nerve wracking.

If you’ve read my testimony post (which you totally should it’s a very powerful story!) you would know I’ve dealt with anxiety in the past. By the grace of God, I haven’t dealt with it for a long time. However, whenever you get closer to God, the enemy works even harder to push you away. And he used fear and anxiety to try and change my mind. The first day of camp I was scared. I was with 40 new people, I had only met one of them before (shoutout to Mackenzie!), but it was still intimidating. I started to feel down and left out for no real reason, the enemy was just trying to convince me that I didn’t belong. I prayed over my mind and heart to ease the anxiety and prayed I would be able to let that lie go, and make new friends and be present in the moment. 

That night we got the privilege to participate in the BEST worship I’ve ever been apart of. I felt freedom and joy fill my heart as I sang and couldn’t help but praise God! The realization that I had been through so much, and been blessed so much to get me to this point, brought me to tears. I knew I still had lingering doubts but I knew God had brought me there for a reason.

The Camping

That night we came back to our campsite, and I got to experience camping for the first time. It was very intriguing. There was the lovely chorus of screams every time someone found a bug in their tent, late night talks in hammocks, and on the last day… a ton of rain.

I learned what I need to bring for next time, slept pretty bad, but enjoyed every second. It was an adventure and I felt so connected to the outside world – especially since we had no phones. 

The Food

OH boy, Jesus is good – don’t get me wrong – but the FOOD THOUGH! I loved this part of the trip. We had themed days to prep us for the missions field and it was amazing. Day one was African day. We had the strangest family-style-eating-with-your-hands kinda meals and boy it was interesting. But the flavors were amazing! Then it was asian day where we got fried rice and pho in the same day! Love it. And then my personal favorite was Latin American day!! It was eye opening to see how other countries eat and being at peace with being a little hungry if it means letting your teammates have more. I loved the family style aspect it made me feel more connected. 

The Lessons

This is where I found a lot of growth. Knowledge. Of our father in heaven, our mission, and who I am in Christ. Every morning I would get up early to have some space alone to read God’s word and journal about the day that had passed, I found so much comfort in God’s presence and learned why I need time with him everyday. 

In our morning, afternoon, and evening devotions we learned SO MUCH! Topics included Missions 101, who and what is the church, who God is and his mission, hearing God’s voice, the Holy Spirit, importance of prayer, and ended with discipleship. 

From all the lessons I took away 10 main ideas:

#1 God is good, and he had a purpose for us

#2 Being a Christian means sacrificing our old ways of life, every single day

#3 The Holy Spirit lives in us, and the more we will up with God the more we will pour him out to others

#4 Missions will be hard, but we can find our strength in him

#5 Every day we have the opportunity to disciple and share the Gospel, if we listen to God’s voice he will lead us to those opportunities.

#6 The purpose for us is to love, the Holy Spirit will convict, Jesus saves, and God judges

#7 We are accountable for our own relationship with God

#8 The power in forgiveness and the importance in the command to forgive

#9 God doesn’t just want us to know about him, but KNOW him

#10 When God shuts one door he’s guiding you to another door


The People

God truly has intricately designed the 41 squad members, and numerous squad leaders & mentors. You can feel a real sense of Godly community with these people, and I loved it. I got to share my testimony with some squad members and had a great time with everyone. I feel the deep sense of family beginning to form. I miss them all so much but in two short months I will be reunited with them again. 


In Conclusion

This was the best thing that could have happened to me. I needed time away, space to think, be in nature, meet new people, let loose, worship, and learn more about God. And I was blessed with all of it. This only excites me more for the future and the trip to come. I can’t believe I’m leaving so soon! September 11th we launch to Georgia for the 6 week training camp, and fly out to the countries from there.


Thanks so much for reading!! I am so excited to join on this journey to commit my life to sharing the good news! Please prayerfully consider joining my team of supporters by donating to my blog (link is at the top of my blog) I have to reach 5,000 by July 15th! I know God can provide and I trust him in this! 

Lots of Love,

Chloe Morales

4 responses to “Bootcamp Recap! – Adventures In Missions”

  1. Loved this so much! Loved getting to know you! Can’t wait to spend 9 months learning more with you!!!

  2. That was an awesome description of boot camp. So glad You experienced His peace and the enemy didn’t win that battle. We had a wonderful day having our son get married in our back yard, but there was a part of my heart that was really missing our squad even though we haven’t met you yet.
    See you in September!

    Your boot camp experience brings tears of joy to your ol’ grand-daddy!
    Love you lots!
    ~ Grandpa K.

  4. SO GOOD chloe! So honored to be your friend and grow together so soon!!