
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello friends and family,

It’s so wonderful to be back writing to you all in preparation for my upcoming Costa Rica Semesters trip this June. It’s exactly one month until I fly out to Georgia to attend the training camp! I will fly out directly to Costa Rica from there. I’m so grateful for all my supporters and those who have assisted me in this crazy journey of joining Adventures in Missions. 

I wanted to share my heart today and give insight on the growth of my faith since my last post. This last Saturday I just finished the first book of the Torah: Genesis. (the first 5 books of the bible are the Torah) Throughout my personal studies of scripture I have been discovering so much about my God, Yahweh the creator of Heaven and Earth, than ever in my life. 

My heart is burning with passion as I learned about the patterns and prophecy that is laid out in the Torah. I’ve explored the deep genealogy of Yahweh’s chosen people; The Israelites. And how there is more than just genes in the blood line of Israel, but the spiritual and grafted in people of God. It brings to light more and more layers of depth to the importance of Yeshua of Nazareth and his sacrifice for us. Scripture talks about how there no longer would be Jew or gentile. Which is MONUMENTAL! We have the chance to be grafted in to God’s kingdom through the blood of Yeshua. 

I could go on and on about the amazing things I’ve been learning just in one book of the bible. The more I open my bible the more its starting to make sense. In this year of growth I’ve had since the beginning of my journey with Adventures in Missions I’ve not just acquired more knowledge of scripture but there has been monumental changes of heart. I can see the bigger picture, and know that my God is on my side, and he’s got me covered. This has given me a calmer spirit, more patience and humility. Instead of reacting to the things life throws at me I can take a moment and zoom out and see how he’s behind this all.

So as you can see, change is in the air.

In talking with one of my mentors and dear friend, I expressed how I feel as though I’m a blank canvas. Ready for the master artist to do with my life what he sees fit. I’m ready for change, challenge, knowledge, understanding, and compassion to flow through me. I can’t take credit for any of the changes of heart I’ve had. It’s truly the Holy Spirit working in me.

There was a podcast host that used to say “Life is an art, make it your masterpiece” and it used to be my mantra when I was in a worldly point of view that idolized individuality. Now, I see how my life is an art, I am made a masterpiece by my God. Beautifully and wonderfully made, as scriptures say. I don’t have to change myself, rather God uses my brokenness to create a masterpiece in his plan. 


Thanks for much for reading, stay tuned for more updates! I can’t believe its only 31 days away!! 

If you so feel to donate financial support for the trip, feel free to contact me at


I am no longer accepting donations on my website since I am fully funded (thank you!!!) but rather this would go towards personal expenses along the way like supplies, assiting with paying my apartment bills while out of the country, etc.


Lots of Love,

Chloe Morales